Friday, June 4, 2010

Favorite Friday

Favorite Fridays

This weeks Favorite Fridays topic is:

Movie Trilogy!
And my pick is:
Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy!!

I for some strange reason love these movies, I can watch them over and over again. And no it is not because I am a huge Johnny Depp Fan because I am not at all. He does do an amazing job in these movies and in some others but my celebrity in this movie that i love is this guy:
Can we just smile and breathe :)

Head over to Jen's blog to play!

We are leaving today at 4 and I won't have internet for almost a week Yay but at the same time ooo boy....I have some scheduled posts to keep my readers reading while I am gone!


  1. I know this is like saying I hate kittens (which I kind of do.. I am NOT a cant person) But I am not a fan of this series.. or Johnny Depp! (dont hate me!)

    He's just not my cup of tea!

  2. But I love your blog! Fair enough?

  3. Aww, I love the Pirates movies! Johnny Depp is awesome! Your blog is adorable! Found you from Jen's blog!

  4. I picked this one too! I love this series, I could watch it over and over :)

    Have a great time on your trip!

  5. Such a good choice! And a popular one!
    Thanks for playing :)
