Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wedding Wednesday!

Wedding Wednesday Week 2!
Only 7 weeks and 5 days till our 1 year Anniversary!

This week I am going to highlight our flowers!

I love Hydrangeas they are my favorite flower next to Lily's! :)
For the bridesmaid bouquets we had Hydrangeas and white rose bouquets. We sprayed the hydrangeas a little so that they would pop to go with the girls dresses.

I did not have a traditional white bouquet. I personally am against them because you spend so much money on flowers and you want them to pop in you pictures. I use to work for a photographer and I use to here brides say all the time that they wish they had more color in their bouquets. Even if the color is just a touch more of green. I am not trying to offend anyone who has had white bouquets I am just not a fan of them. My best friend and Matron of honor did a white bouquet and it still looked beautiful I don't want to upset anyone. Please remember this is just my opinion. Now that I have rambled on, I choose to have similar bouquets to my bridesmaids in which I had the hydrangeas and roses but to make mine stick out I added Stephanoittis flowers and butterflies to my bouquet.

Hope you like them!

Tomorrow I will be posting my responses to all the questions you guys asked me. If you have any more please ask away!


  1. I love your bouquet.! So pretty.! I actually do have a question. Since I still live in R.I. and you have moved away, what do you miss most about this lovely little state. I am dying to know seeing as I can't find one thing besides my family that I would miss. HA.!

  2. BEAUTIFUL! No need to apologies to those who had all white bouquets. Thats whats so great and intriguing about weddings, everyone does it differently!!

  3. I followed a link over here from Musing Experiences. The name of your blog caught my eye because, well, Tobin is my last name =)

    Also, hydrangeas are my favorite flowers. Something about them just makes me happy. They look so delicate and clean, excellent flower choice!!
