Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wishful Wednesday: Charity

This weeks topic:

'I wish' .... I had never-ending funds to donate to __Cure for Autism__ charity!
or Susan G Colman or Anything Cancer related!
What charity do you or do you wish you supported and why?

This was a hard one because if I had endless amounts of money I would donate to as many charities as I could. As a Teacher I see the growing rates of children with Autism grow every year. Autism is an amazing medical diagnosis because there are so many different kinds of Autism and so everyone is different.
I would also love to donate to the Breast Cancer Association because it has become so popular and more and more people are being diagnosed with Breast Caner. We are females are all at risk. My grandmother had some cells. luckily they were found fast enough and she is fine, but so many others are not and treatments are more extensive.

Finally Cancer, Cancer is all we seem to hear about people dying from. Especially in kids. I wish we could find a cure to help people fighting with cancer. I know I was only told to pick one but it is so hard and I'm sure there are so many more out there that I would love to give money if i had it to them.

Head over to Kelsey's blog to play along!


  1. I know someone personally who has autism. It simply breaks my heart. I wish everyone was aware of this illness.

  2. aw what a great charity you picked! i totally agree! cute blog! xoxo

  3. I am totally up for anything cancer related to. It is the saddest disease!!!
